HOME SCHOOLING - Wednesday, April 15th

Hi everyone! 

Today we are going to start working on a new BIG QUESTION from our book Oxford Discover.

                              WHY ARE WHEELS IMPORTANT??

Click here to watch the videos:

👉 BIG QUESTION 3 - opener

👉 BIG QUESTION 3 - wrap-up

Now watch the following tutorial.


Click here to do the  VOCABULARY ACTIVITY - Wheels

This is an activity you will do online. Once you finish, send your answers to your teacher to sexto.primaria@strinidad.edu.ar with you FULL NAME + 6S or 6TENGLISH as subject. 


Read "A Revolution in History" from Oxford Discover p.50-51. 

Tip: read the text twice. First time to get the general idea. Second time to pay attention to details. 

If you don't have your book, click here to read 👉 A Revolution in History

If there are words you don't know:

a. Check in the book "dictionary" pages 192 to 200 from Oxford Discover.

b. Use your dictionary. 

c. These are two of the best online dictionaries:



If you have any questions or doubts, remember you can write in the COMMENT BOX  here or you can send an email to us to  sexto.primaria@strinidad.edu.ar

See you tomorrow in our zoom meeting!!

Big kiss, 

Miss Andy & Xime

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