Hello everybody!

It's Literature day! 

Today we'll start reading a new story from our book "Three Great Plays of Shakespeare" called MACBETH 

👉 First let's watch this VIDEO that shows and explains a bit of the historical context of the story "Macbeth"

👉 "Three Great Plays of Shakespeare" : Read Part 1 "Macbeth" pages 28 to 33

Click HERE for the digital version of the pages if you don't have your book. 

👉 When you finish reading open this file CHARACTER PROFILE. Think about the main character of the story Macbeth and complete the template. 
You may print it if you want or do it in your folder. 

👀 You'll share this work on Thursday 14th Zoom meeting so have it ready and at hand. 


Monday 11th RETELLING → Planet Sinrota

Miss Andy & Miss Xime

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