HOME SCHOOLING - Wednesday, May 13th

Hi kids! How are you!?

We want to congratulate all of you for the great performance in the last retelling about Planet Sinrota!!

1- Now, it's time to do some comprehension activities.

Work on pages 66 and 67 in your book Oxford Discover

Do only activities A (reading comp) and C (listening comp) in your book.

👉 Click here for the digital version  COMPREHENSION ACTIVITIES

👉 Click here for the  AUDIO (CD1 track044)

We'll  correct these activities on Thursday in our Zoom meeting. 
Have your book at hand!

2. Let's revise some Grammar - PAST PERFECT

👉 Click here to watch this video again. VIDEO - Past Perfect 
Pay special attention to the pattern (formula).

Go over the last activity about PAST PERFECT you did (see blog - Thursday, May 7th). 


Print this activity or copy it in your folder (Grammar section). 
You'll need it for our Zoom meeting on Thursday.

Remember you can always write in the comment box or to sexto.primaria@gmail.com if you have doubts.

See you tomorrow!


Miss Andy & Xime    

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Andy, Where can we find the audio for the listening activity?
