HOME SCHOOLING- Friday, June 26th


Let's go on reading KING LEAR! 

➡️ You'll read from page 51 (where we stopped last time) till the end of Part 1 = page 55.

👉Click here for a dgiital version →  KING LEAR p.51-55

➡️ As you read underline the most important parts and add them to the notes or the family trees you've made when we started reading the story. 

👀 We'll be discussing what you read in our meeting on Monday 

👉After reading, work on the following file ACTIVITES KING LEAR - PART 1

You may download the file & print it to work or write the answers in your folder. 
↣Have the activities ready to discuss  in our meeting on Monday. 

1. We'll discuss what you read & the activities on Monday so have your work ready for the meeting.

2. Monday is 🎩👒 HAT day... so look for your favourite or the funniest one you have to wear for the class! 

Miss Andy & Miss Xime

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