HOME ScHOOLING - Friday, June 5th

  Por fin es viernes yupii
Goood Morning kids! 
Last efffort and the week is over!

After our Zoom meeting and talking about the NEW UNIT "How do animals communicate?", we want you to do the following:

👉 Work on your book Oxford Discover:

     ⇒ page 70 - do activities A, B and C 
     ⇒ page 71 - do activities D and E

👉 Read the story "Magdi and The Dolphin" (on pages 72 & 73) once just to have an idea of what it is about and underline new vocabulary or words you don't know.

👀   We are going to correct these activities on Monday in our Zoom meeting , re-read and discuss the text while we HAVE BREAKFAST together!!!!

                                Have a great weekeend                                               
                                Miss Andy & Xime

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