HOME SCHOOLING - Friday, August 28th


Hello everybody!

Let's keep on working!

👉After working together in our Zoom meeting  on the first part of Oliver Twist "Oliver asks for more", we'd like you to read the text again on your own. 

Click here ⏩ PAGE 7 & PAGE 8 for a digital version of the text - pages 7 & 8 from your Worbook- Reading Comprehension Part.

👉 After reading, answer the following questions in your folder:

1. Where is the scene set?

2. Why do you think the boys said grace without enthusiasm? 

3. How do you know Boy 1 is really hungry?

4. How do you think Oliver feels when he walks up to Mr Bumble?

5. How do you know that Mr Bumble is shocked by what Oliver says? 

We'll discuss this activity on Monday 31st - our next Zoom meeting

Miss Andy & Miss Xime

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