HOME SCHOOLING - Thursday, September 10th

It is holiday Friday eve!

Oliver Twist 

In our Zoom meeting this morning, we finished reading Oliver Twist. We discussed and worked together on understanding the scene & new words, and looking at characters.

Now, we want you to CREATE A COMIC STRIP.

👉  Click here to create your own comic   www.storybooardthat.com

Remember you can edite EVERTHING from scene (setting) to characters and texts (speech bubbles).

Here you have an example we did!
Enjoy creating yours!

When you finish, save changes,  get a screenshot, copy the image or download it. Then send us the file to sexto.primaria@strinidad.edu.ar with NAME + OLIVER COMIC as subject. 


Hand in this activity TODAY!

Enjoy the long weekend!

See you on Monday!

Miss Andy & Miss Xime

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