HOME SCHOOLING - Monday, June 8th

7 Tips to Get Monday Off to a Great Start - LiquidPlanner

New week! Fresh start!

It is Reading Comp Time!

Today in our Zoom meeting we read and discussed the story called "Madgi and the Dolphin" -  a great story about communication.

↠ Now we want you to read the story again (pages 72 & 73)
     Click here for a digital version of 👉 Magdi & The Dolphin 

     👂Click here to listen to the story 👉 AUDIO - Magdi (CD2Track003)

↠ Then, work on the comprehension activities on page 74
      Click here for a digital version 👉 Comprehension about Magdi


Write your answers in your book.
 We will correct them on Thursday in our Zoom meeting. 

Have a great week!!


Miss Andy & Xime

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